She's two. She's funny. She's beautiful. She says the darndest things. She dances and sings. She's smart. She's kind and soft. She lights up our lives; she's amazing Grace.

Monday, January 31, 2011

It's O'Clock

Ms. G spent this past weekend with Auntie Bop and Janielle while Auntie Moe and I experienced our first Sundance Film Festival. I picked her up this morning and got the best hug ever, amidst giggles and kisses. It was what heaven will be like; I'm sure of it! It was the first time she slept away from home and while we were nervous, she acted like an old traveling pro - charming the pants off of everyone.

Her highlights:

1. Thanks to her mimicking Auntie Geo (Janielle) she now puts her hand up and says "wait, wait a minute"

2. When she was at Granny and Grandpa's the lights went out and she stood up and yelled, "oh liiiigggghhhhttttssss"

3. It's been officially decided: she watches Happy Feet and Lilo and Stitch too much: she's quoting the WHOLE thing!

4. When you ask what time it is, she looks at her wrist and says "it's o'clock". I asked her where she learned this: "daddy looks watch. I look at daddy".

Collective sigh....

Saturday, January 22, 2011

And So It Begins...

I know January is almost over and as such I'm a little behind on this goal, but if the joy is in the doing that I'm happy to be typing away.....

Grace is something else. Anyone who has met her has fallen for her; she casts this little magical web over people that entrances and entices. She's also growing up way too fast for mommy's liking!

I wanted to track her; her likes and dislikes. Her good days and bad. At year's end I want to combine it all and make her a book; a year captured in her favorite form. Everyone told us how fast she'd grow and while we believed these to be true statements, I'm astounded by the presence of a girl, not my baby. As she's taken to saying these days, "I'm not a baby but lets make a baby."

Here's hoping life doesn't derail me in this endeavor!