She's two. She's funny. She's beautiful. She says the darndest things. She dances and sings. She's smart. She's kind and soft. She lights up our lives; she's amazing Grace.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

New Favorite

Grace has a new favorite topping for her ice cream: Marsh Mennlows. She loves 'em and we love hearing her ask for them!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

By Myself...

Blatant warning here: Grace is going to the bathroom in the video. It isn't vulgar or anything but if hearing/seeing others use the restroom is not not your style don't watch, but I promise it's funny....

On other notes, Ms. G has taken to saying some pretty funny things of late, they are:
1. If you ask her to share something she will say "but of course"
2. Apparently she's SCCCAAAARRRRED of everything. I'm scared that she sounds like a rapper for Atlanta when she says it.
3. When she goes outside she's looking for a few things: turkeys, bunnies, birds and poop. Good thing too because poop she says "stinks like crap".
4. When I leave for school she says "bye bye mommy, I might be good!"

Enjoy the video and our little love bug!

At one point I start laughing after Grace says something, you can't make out what it is, but she said she's "making bubbles"; she's amazed that when the urine combines with the toilet water you get such a reaction. It makes me laugh every time....

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Playing the Piano

Last night as we were wrapping up dinner I said to Dallan and Grace, "I have to go do some homework" to which Grace replied, "Me too". Needless to say we were curious so I asked her what kind of homework she had to do and she said "I need to study my piano book. It's important."

I'm really not sure where she comes up with this stuff but I'm thrilled if she wants to play the piano....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I'm totally sick. I knew it would happen since the move is this week and I have five papers due and even though I've been taking care of myself I still woke up sick this morning. When I came home from class (I have a 3 hour break) all I wanted to do was sleep on the couch. Ms. G sat with me the entire time and rubbed my head. She said "was wrong mama. is okay. i make you feel better". Any time I would cough or shift she would too and say "is okay, is okay. I here."

So glad she is!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Spanking and a Tattoo

We are trying, amidst everything, to clean as we go during this move. In the spirit of this I needed to vacuum the other night but as soon as I plugged the stupid thing in, it smelled like burning rubber. Luckily Dallan was home and he got right on it. Trouble was, Grace wanted to help too. He must've told her a ten times to stop putting her hand in the socket but she wouldn't listen. He told her again that if she did it she'd get a spank...well you can see where this is going....It isn't funny or cute that she was misbehaving it was the fact that as soon as Dallan turned around, she spanked him and said, "no hitting daddy. its bad"

Truth from the babes mouth....

On Saturday, I had to work so Ms. G spent the day with Auntie Moe and Cam. Somewhere in there, she got a fake tattoo ( a tattoon if you ask her). It's a teddy bear. With a chain saw. Big enough to cover the better part of her lower leg. And she is dang proud of it. She wanted to take a picture to show daddy but now it's game for everyone to see....

And a few shots just because she's cute!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Bedtime Cuddles

Since we're moving we've eliminated everything from upstairs, which means Grace is in bed with us (save your opinions for someone who cares...). Last night as we were thisclose to sleep, Grace sat straight up and yelled at Dallan to turn the light off (she gets it backwards when she is flustered). Once he did, she looked at him, wrapped herself around his head and while stroking his face said, "is okay, I'm here Daddy, I'm here" all while rocking back and forth. When we kissed her and giggled she started laughing too and laid down. Then we kissed one another and she said "guys, guys GUYS that's disgusting"...

The rocking made me think of this amazing shot (thanks again N'tima!):

This morning while getting ready for school she couldn't decide what shoes to wear. Literally a ten minute process. I was proud. Dallan was annoyed. He said she simply had too many options to choose from. I verbally agreed but inside, inside I was screaming "She LOVES shoes! YEEEEESSSS!!!!"

She ended up with these ones:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Did You Say

It's Grace's new dictum and while we understand her perfectly well she slurs it together like she's from the streets of Brooklyn and it comes out more like whad u say mommy?

It's often accompanied by this look:

What can I say, she is just too cute!