She's two. She's funny. She's beautiful. She says the darndest things. She dances and sings. She's smart. She's kind and soft. She lights up our lives; she's amazing Grace.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Learning Our Colors

For Father's Day, Grace, Auntie Moe and I took Grandpa to a River Cats baseball game. Grace and I weren't able to make it until the fourth inning so we were only there about two hours, but my sunburn would lead you to believe I had been sunbathing for a week...

Fast forward to Tuesday...When I picked Grace up from "school" Miss Melanie said to me "Wow, did you get sunburned!" Grace piped in and said "yeah, mommy is PINK and I got BROWN!" Ummm...we exchange glances and I thought quickly about how to handle this milestone in our multi-racial family..."Grace you were always brown..." "Oh" she said, "then I got BLACK!" I just smiled.

She is accurate about 75% of the time when it comes to her colors, the one time she always is right is the color white, though for Grace it is the color "milk", as in "I want to wear my milk shorts" or "those clouds are milk" or "mommy you are milk". Indeed baby I am...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ball Game...

Ms. G went to his first baseball game today and she was more into the game than half the people dotted across the lawn seats...She couldn't get enough of everything she saw and she kept screaming "BAAAASSSSEEEBALL mommy". A few weeks back we went camping and Grace picked up a bat and ball and actually managed to hit a few. Surprisingly she can pitch that ball too...More interesting is how she can do it with either her left or right hand...

Today my dad said that maybe I should look into t-ball for her. I didn't know she was paying attention but she jumped right in and said "I'm gonna be a star!"

I'm anticipating many a summer day at a baseball diamond... :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Catching Up

It is always astounding to me how fast time flies and how the moments seem to be elusively slipping through our fingers. Not updating this is in no way an indication of Grace's lack of all-together-way-too-cuteness but rather a telling tale of her mother trying to hold it all together and keep up...

For those of you that get to experience Grace in all her vibrant living, you know there is absolutely nothing baby left about this remarkable little girl. We've reflected a lot the last month about the joy of bringing her home two years ago. We've also reflected on how a mere three years ago, parenting seemed such a far off adventure. And now, well we can't function without her smiles (and tiffs of tissy) and laughter (and screaming), her independence (translate stubbornness) and cuddly (nee clingy)nature. Here's some highlights from the past little bit...

1. Coming home the other night, the windows were rolled down and a man on a motorcycle pulls up. He revs the engine for no reason and Grace shakes her head, hunches her shoulders, throws up her hands and says "that's just ridikalis..."

2. Grace has been pushing boundaries and when I say "Can you listen please" without missing a beat, Grace will say "I can but I won't"

3. When Grace has to apologize after a time out she will say first "sorry I had a freakout"

4. At night when she prays, she has a unique way of thanking Heavenly Father for similar things to our family prayers: I will say thank you for our home and our full bellies, Grace says thank you for tall walls and yummy fruit woops (regardless of what food it is she ate...)

5. Grace knows her full name, Grace Sofia Wivingston just like mommies is Mommy Kirsten Grace's mommy Wivingston.

6. Grace wants to be a mommy. Yes you read that right; she doesn't just want us to have another baby she wants one of her own. Luckily she promised to be a bride and wife first...

7. Ask her, she has Bieber fever (daddy might too...)

8. Finally we can comb through her hair without neighbors suspecting we are murdering get through it she gives herself a pep talk: "It's no big deal. I'm a big girl. It's gonna be over soon"

9. "Guess what," Grace says, "you are my favorite" baby, you are...

10. Enjoy the many faces of Grace....