She's two. She's funny. She's beautiful. She says the darndest things. She dances and sings. She's smart. She's kind and soft. She lights up our lives; she's amazing Grace.

Monday, January 31, 2011

It's O'Clock

Ms. G spent this past weekend with Auntie Bop and Janielle while Auntie Moe and I experienced our first Sundance Film Festival. I picked her up this morning and got the best hug ever, amidst giggles and kisses. It was what heaven will be like; I'm sure of it! It was the first time she slept away from home and while we were nervous, she acted like an old traveling pro - charming the pants off of everyone.

Her highlights:

1. Thanks to her mimicking Auntie Geo (Janielle) she now puts her hand up and says "wait, wait a minute"

2. When she was at Granny and Grandpa's the lights went out and she stood up and yelled, "oh liiiigggghhhhttttssss"

3. It's been officially decided: she watches Happy Feet and Lilo and Stitch too much: she's quoting the WHOLE thing!

4. When you ask what time it is, she looks at her wrist and says "it's o'clock". I asked her where she learned this: "daddy looks watch. I look at daddy".

Collective sigh....

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